K-3D è un programma semi profssionale dedicato a chi si occupa della creazione di modelli, animazioni e rendering 3D; il programma implementa l'engine RenderMan (by Pixar) per generare le animazioni, l'autore inoltre consiglia fortemente di accoppiare a questo un secondo engine (Aqsis) per il rendering 3D; le caratteristiche principali sono:- Procedural modeling and animation
- Interactive tutorials
- Unlimited hierarchical undo/redo
- Camera: pan/tilt, zoom, dolly, modeling and tripod modes
- Viewing Modes: Detailed selection of visible features
- Selection: Objects, meshes, faces, edges, patched, curves, point groups, points
- Geometry types: Polygon, NURBS, subdivision, blobby
- 3D Primitives: Cone, circle, cushion, cylinder, disk, grid, paraboloid, polyhedron, sphere, torus
- Boolean modeling operations (using GTS library)
- Text: FreeType2 support
- Directed Graph allows arbitrary dataflow - any object property can be connected to any other compatible property
- Animate any value
- Full RenderMan Support: Aqsis, Pixie, BMRT, PRman, - 3Delight, Render Dot C
- Extensible support for alternate render engines and models: Yafray
- Render OpenGL previews to disk
| Home Page | K-3D.org | | Sistema Operativo | 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | | Licenza | Freeware con licenza GPL | | Download | K-3D [ 31.0 MB ] Installer |