Easy Thumbnails 2.93 Easy Thumbnails è un semplice tool per la creazione di miniature a partire dalle vostre immagini preferite; i formati supportati sono molti JPEG, JPEG 2000, Portable Bitmap, CompuServe Graphics Interchange, Portable Network Graphics, Tagged Image File Format, Truevision Targa, Windows Enhanced Meta File, Windows Icon File, Windows Meta File, Windows or OS/2 Bitmap, Wireless Bitmap images, Zsoft PC Paintbrush, e le caratteristiche principali sono: - Can scale images up or down with high quality results
- Choice of eleven resampling filters, including Lanczos3
- Can sharpen soft images, particularly those from digital cameras
- Shows a real-time preview of the target image and its file size
- Preserves EXIF data in JPEG images larger than 300x300 pixels
- Automatically removes EXIF data from small thumbnails
- Supports JPEG 2000
- Supports lossless rotation of JPEG images
- Offers an extensive set of command-line switches
- Can create Web pages of image sets, based on customizable templates