Koma-Mail 3.621 Koma-Mail 2006 è un client di posta elettronica standalone, da portare in giro sul proprio pendrive, ma davvero completo di funzionalità: - For your safety:
- Save download via SSL and APOP
- Scripts-, active x
- and html-Blocker
- Encrypting of the database and contacts
- Muli-User support, every user can define several eMail-accounts
- Easy communication:
- Multilingual (English, German, Greek, Czech, French, Italian, Nederlands, Polish, Portugues, Spanish)
- Support of IMAP/POP3/SMTP and WebDav (Hotmail)
- Html eMails, inline-eMails
- Spam-Filter and own filters
- RSS Feeds
- For your comfort:
- No installation required, runs from an USB-stick
- Unlimited amount of folders to save your eMails in
- Individual templates and signatures for each mail-account
- No sound when only spam arrives
- EMail-Groups, contact-managment and import
- Zip attachments
- Filter possibilities
Disponibile lo storico di Koma-Mail (in fondo alla pagina).