Koma-Mail 3.795 Koma-Mail è un client di posta elettronica standalone, da portare in giro sul proprio pendrive, ma davvero completo di funzionalità: - POP3, IMAP, SMTP, WebDav
- SSL and APOP support
- RSS viewer
- Calendar
- Contact management
- Displays HTML Mails
- HTML-Editor for composing
- Sends and receives mail with inline images
- Zips attachments automatically
- Mails can be marked with colors
- Free folder structure
- Automatically cleans folders
- Template module
- Several user accounts
- Several mail accounts per user account
- Encrypts user accounts
- Spam filter (including Bayesian)
- Filter module
- Unicode support
 | HomePage | Koma-Mail |  | Sistema Operativo | Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 |  | Licenza | Freeware |  | Download | Koma-Mail 3.795 [ 2,58 MB ] Standalone |