DVD Rip Pack 1.54
DVD Rip Pack è pensato per decrittare e ridimensionare DVD, per la masterizzazione o la conversione ad altro formato. Contiene: - DVD Decrypter - The finest decrypter on the planet.
- ImgTool Classic 0.91.5 - A great ISO program for use with DVD Decrypter.
- DVD Shrink 3.2 - The latest and most compatable version of DVD Shrink.
- DVD Shrink 2.3 - The best solution for large DVD resizing.
- DVD Shrink 1.03 - The best solution for simple DVD resizing.
- VOBrator 0.2b - For VOB minipulation.
- VOBsplitter 2.6 - For VOB splitting.
- I-Media FileMerger - Great for merging VOB's.
- Adaptec ASPI 4.71A2 Checker + Installer files.