ArezMedia 8.2
ArezMedia è un lettore multimediale con parecchie funzioni: - Supports .wav .snd .au .aif .mpg .mpeg .m1v .mp2 .mpa .mp3 and many many more
- ArezMedia can also edit ID3 tags.
- ArezMedia can encode and decode .MP3 > .WAV and .WAV > .MP3.
- ArezMedia playlists manager can create XML,TXT,HTM & M3U playlists.
- ArezSoft uses XML integration to load files that you have left in your playlists, also if the XML file becomes damaged ArezMedia will automatically recreate the file.
- ArezMedia stores important settings in the registry.
- ArezMedia is completely free of charge.
- ArezMedia uses very little resources.
- ArezMedia has been built on the .NET Framework v2.0 so our software is secure and reliable.
- ArezSoft take time in providing the end user with an interface that is clean, crisp, and easy to use.
- ArezMedia uses no shell integration.