Sonique v2.0 Alpha Build September 18
Rilasciata una nuova pre-release di Sonique 2, il principale rivale di Winamp
come player di MP3, da notare che si tratta di una versione tuttaltro che finita
e esente di bug.
Ecco le novità di questa versione:
▪ many fixes to transparent windows with popout
▪ added mscript function :app.SystemExecute()
▪ vorbis code updated to 1.0
▪ fixed switching to/from transparent/nontransparent
▪ updated open/save/browse dialog boxes (BrowseForFolder
will work on win9x boxes, and all dialogs *should* work on unicode systems)
▪ allow LaunchWindow to use a string, not just
an MID for createtype
▪ fixed author/artist confusion. added filename,
artist, track, extension to playlist columns.
▪ language updates and minor bug fixes.