PDF-XChange Viewer
PDF-XChange Viewer è un visualizzatore di files PDF, che aggiunge caratteristiche interessanti: - Add Comments and Annotations to any PDF file (subject to security settings) - unlilke the Adobe Viewer which requires the PDF creation tool to be 'certified' by Adobe!
- Markup pages with text and objects
- Type directly on any PDF page, not just Adobe enabled forms documents - in Typewriter mode.
- Export PDF pages or entire files to any one of the supported Image formats including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and many more...
- Extract text from a PDF page/File
- Make your navigation of large or complex PDF files both simple and enjoyable swith the extended functionality of our 'Loupe' and the 'Pan' Window tools
- Fill and Save Adobe Forms to disk, email or 'post'!
- Full Javascript Engine included
- Updated JPEG2000 Compression support - improving speed.
- And many more features such as Rotate and 'Save', Email files etc...
Il download include file di help e manuale.