E' già disponibile una nuova versione del noto programma Ad-Aware SE (Standard Edition), la 1.05.Come il solito il prodotto è disponibile in 3 versioni, di cui una è gratuita per uso personale.
- Additional parameters for skinning
- Minor graphical GUI updates
- Hitrate displayed for tracking cookies on the results list
- Objects found within archives are displayed using a "zip" icon
- Nested archives are now scanned recursively
- Results list information on detected regvalues is now presented in a more readable format.
- The Object details windows information on detected regvalues is now presented in a more readable format.
- Minor graphical GUI changes
- GUI improvements concerning language files
- Ad-Aware will continue scanning archives even after an object has been detected
- The +log CLP is now supported in Plus
- Removing URLs from the sites list does no longer require a re-start of Ad-Watch to be put in effect.