GIANT AntiSpyware 1.0.272 GIANT AntiSpyware è un programma dedicato alla rimozione di programmi e moduli spyware molto interessante, con Spy Sweeper è uno dei migliori programmi AntiSpyware, a pagamento , in circolazione. Reject All Known Spyware
The Internet’s most comprehensive library of spyware signatures ensures that your computer always knows exactly what to eliminate.
Stops Spyware in Its Tracks
More than 50 real-time security agents monitor and prevent potential spyware threats before they can damage your system, leaving you protected 24/7.
SpyNet™: The Internet's First Neighborhood Spyware Watch
As soon as one of the 100,000 SpyNet™ members detects a new spyware string, your computer will automatically be armed to reject it.