RJ TextEd 5.6.0
RJ TextEd è uno strumento per lo sviluppo web, e un editor di testo unicode, con funzionalità come evidenziazione sintassi, modalità avanzata colonne, raggruppamento del codice, controllo ortografia, supporto emails, ricerca avanzata; tra le caratteristiche principali troviamo: - Auto completion: Works with html tags, CSS properties and classes.
- Code folding: Fold collapsible text blocks for easier editing.
- Column mode: Column editing. Some wizards are available.
- ASCII and binary files: The editor handles these as well.
- Html tag wizards: There are several included for creating tables, frames...
- CSS editor: Install and use TopStyle Lite as your CSS editor. All html wizards support TopStyle.
- FTP client: Manage your site and synchronize your local and remote folders.
- Sidebar: Here you can access two file explorers, text clips, code explorer, FTP client...
- Conversion: The editor can convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats.
- UTF-8: This format is sometimes used without a BOM to identify the file type. RJ TextEd handle these to.
- Html validation: Validate, format and repair your html code using wizards.
- Tools: There are several tools installed like the syntax editor or the charmap utility.
- Mozilla (Firefox) control: per visualizzare files Html, ASP, PHP, Javascript e XSLT nel browser.
- Skin builder: per creare o modificare skins.