Grazie ad una segnalazione sul FORUM
vi presentiamo questo programma che permette / promette un perfetto ripristino
dell'hard disk.
A quanto segnalato sul sito in questione, le premesse sono valide:
"Hard disk drive is integral part of every computer. It stores all your information.
If you have a problem with hard drive, then you risk losing the stored information.
One of the most prevalent defects of disk drives is bad sectors of disk surface.
Bad sector is a part of disk surface which contains not readable, but may be
necessary information. If your hard disk damaged by bad sectors, then you may
have difficulties when you copy the information from your disk or your information
may be lost at all. It is especially dangerous, if your drive has bad sectors
in partition area or file table area, when the logical structure of disk is
completely corrupted (lost partition)."
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