Disponibile la versione 6.01 di X-setup, potente e interessante software freeware per impostare centinaia di parametri nascosti delle varie versioni di Windows, ecco le novità introdotte:
- Update to fix bugs and support Windows XP
- FIX: Fixed FileBackup() function to not fail if a file beeing backup does not exist
- ENGINE: Support for Windows XP (GetWinVer() returns "6"). Windows XP information: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/
- UI: added support for Windows XP for "Programs" (Options)
- UI: added support for Windows XP for "Plug-ins information"
- MISC: Updated a lot of plug-ins to support Windows XP
- MISC: Added a lot of plug-ins that are especially for Windows XP and MS Office XP
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