CoronaSync 1.3.1
CoronaSync mantiene i vostri dati sincronizzati su tutti i PC ( tabella di compatibilità): - CoronaSync Client:
This application is the central component from which you control all of the functions provided by CoronaSync.
- Synclets: A CoronaSync Synclet is a software plugin designed to support synchronization of a particular type of information; such as contacts, Internet favorites, or digital photos.
- Folder Synclet: Synchronize any set of directory folders on multiple computers.
- Bookmark Synclet: Merge and sync the bookmarks you create on multiple browsers and computers.
- Contact Synclet: Sync e-mail address book, phone numbers, and other contact information.
E' necessario creare un account presso CoronaSoft, per iniziare a condividere files, preferiti e contatti tra i propri PC.