FileCommander è un interessante file manager gratuito (standalone) molto potente, con un interfaccia che non si ferma alle solite 2 finestre tipica di gestione risorse, è infatti possibile aggiungere altre due finestre, ma le future sono davvero molte:
You can quickly preview every file. FileCommander has 5 included file previews. With these previews, you can
view images (supports *.dds, *.tga, *.gif, *.pcx, *.ani, *.png, *.jpg, *.bmp, *.ico, *.emf, *.wmf, *.gif),
view text files (supports every normal text file, includes syntax highlighting for Pascal, HTML, C++),
view files in hex (supports every kind of file),
view HTML files (supports every file your Internet-Explorer can open) and
listen to audio files (supports *.wma, *.wmv, *.avi, *.mpg, *.mp3, *.wav [DirectX 8 must be installed])
You can compare folders in three ways and files in two ways: the fastest and the most simple way is to compare a current viewed folder in a browser window with another browser window.
You can compare folders more detailed by using the Compare folder tool. There you can select, if you only want to compare the file names or even the file conents.
The third way is to create a finger print of a folder. You can compare this finger print with any other folder at any time.
You can compare single files, too. You can compare two files in binary mode or in text mode.
You can copy, move and delete files with the included file copy engine. This engine is very fast and has more details than the one included in Windows (e.g. KBytes per second, remaining size, files copied ...). This engine has a better override dialog, too. : You can select, that only older or smaller files will be overwritten by newer ones for example. (over 8 rewrite and 3 non-rewrite selections are possible). This saves lots of time and annoying "yes/no-pressing" updating a backup folder.
You can splitt large files in smaller pices. These pices can almost be as small as you want. You can easly combine these files with FileCommander at any time. You only have to select the first one and the target file. FileCommander will search automatically the other file parts and promts for manual file search if FileCommander can not find it
With FileCommander can look on interesting informations of your PC. The Network Monitor allows you to look on the incoming and outgoing traffic size, search for PCs in your LAN or look on your network connections (looks amazing while running sharing software like BitTorrent). You can also view and terminate all running processes or see lots of information about your general PC (CPU, USB-Devices, ...)
FileCommander has an included file seach engine. Every single file seach request will be handled in a own tab, so you can review older seach results. FileCommander is able to search in archive files (*.zip, *.rar, *.cab, *.ace ...) if you want.
FileCommander has an included archive file system. You can create an archive file and add an unlimited number of files or subfolders. These files will be saved compressed in a single file. You can add accounts with passwords and different rights. (e.g.: You can add a folder, which will only be visible for a specified user group. If you are logged in with an account, which does not fit into the definied user group, the folder will not be visible for you. (Works with see, read, write, delete). This archive supports SFX-Archive creation (.exe)
You are able to add tools to the FileCommander. These tools are small internal links to other programms. These tool list has two main features. First: you can open often used tools very fast (two mouse clicks maximum). Second: you can open any file with any added tool (e.g. you click on a file with the right mouse button and select any tool you want). This is usefull if you have lots of image editing software. Then you can open one file with a tool of your choice
Share files with your friends over the internet, add favorit folders to have quick-access to them, create screenshots of your desktop, chat with other FileCommander-Users, free system memory, and so on ...