ZSoft Uninstaller 2.4.1 ZSoft Uninstaller è un sostituto, con parecchie funzionalità in più, dell'Installazione Applicazioni di Windows. Consente di monitorare le installazioni e di salvare le modifiche fatte a disco e registro, così da poter in seguito cancellarne ogni traccia. Inoltre permette di: - Find and delete temporary files
- Delete entry's from programs that is no longer installed
- Hide Windows Updates
- Hide entries from the list that you are never going to uninstall (drivers etc.) making the list smaller and therefore easier to manage.
- Show more information than available though add/remove
- Automatically find entry's from programs that are most likely already uninstalled
- Automatically find entry's that are considered "crap-ware"
- (Of course) search the list of installed software
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