Nuova versione di questo Software che promette di alleggerire la vostra installazione di XP (la versione in oggetto pare essere indirizzata specificatamente a questo Sistema Operativo) escludendo dal CD tutti i componenti di cui non avete bisogno o non intendete utilizzare.
What's new: - page selection (use just selected features) - improved driver integration (SATA, RAID and SCSI supported) - translation support (external lang file) - hotfixes integration support - detection of ident file presence - option to disable HDD free space requirement - option to disable nLite post cleanup - fixed dosnet leftovers - fixed tcpip patch for '-1' (internet connection broken) - oem branding optional - combined Manual Install and Upgrade component removal: - SNMP Service - Performance Logs and Alerts Service - Tcp/Ip Version 6 - IPSEC Policy Agent Service - Windows Time Service - Service Advertising Protocol - NetShell Cmd-Tool - NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol - Client for Netware Networks - WebClient Service - Command-Line tools (experimental) - Event Log Service (experimental) tnx to Davlak