In questi giorni alcuni di noi dello staff hanno ricevuto un'interessante proposta di incontro da una ancor più interessante ragazza russa di 30 anni - IRINA. la mail ricevuta è di massima questa:
Hello. Please, do not be surprise - this letter is not a spam one. You will probably be amazed of the fact that I am writing you an e-mail. Yesterday I myself was amazed too, when saw your letter in my e-mail box. The letter was about love and sensations among people. The motto of the letter was like this «search for love and you'll become happy». I liked this letter very much. There was a list of e-mails where I found yours. I decided to write you. Maybe you are seeking love too? Maybe it's our destiny? I do not know actually who was the person that had sent me that e-mail and how did he get my e-mail address. I think it is not important. The most amazing thing is that I can write you. I would like to know more about you. Providing that it is me who is the first to write, I want to say some words of my personality. My name is Irina. I am 30 years old. I have never been married and have no children. I am cute, calm, kind and sociable. I think it is interesting to talk with you and discover new features of yours. Discover you as a person. I am a serious woman and I am looking for serious relations. For me it means no deception, no double jokes. I am looking for a real person who will manage to love and respect me. I hope you are searching for your love, too. I do not think that in love-relations age and appearance have any importance. The chief factor for me is ability to love and respect seriously! I have lots of hobbies and interests in life. Among them you will find sport, cooking, books reading and definitely music. I am going crazy about housekeeping and house holding. I like tiding up and general cleaning. I am keen on experimenting in my kitchen. I love changes. - cut - Please reply only to my personal e-mail: lovelykitty1978@gmail.com (così almeno la riempiamo di spam)
I am looking forward to your reply. I am really interested in knowing you better.
Remember of me. Your new friend, Irina.
Il consiglio è sempre lo stesso , NON abboccate, una ragazza russa SERIA, non cercherà MAI un partito SERIO via email, e soprattutto NON chiederà soldi per potervi incontrare di persona, sparendo poi nel nulla. P.s. la stessa mail sta girando anche con il nome Anastasya