Pare che su VIAHardware sia disponibile la patch che dovrebbe risolvere il problema della corruzione dei dati quando questi si trasferiscono tra due Hard Disk presenti sui due canali E-IDE, e aggravati dalla presenza di una SBLive, ma ecco i primi commenti: George Breese, who has written patches for VIA chipsets in the past, has commented on what VIA has done with the new 686b patch:"Let me see if I can answer some questions. Jasper just contacted me and sent me the patch for analysis. The patch is very specific. You must have a KX133 or KT133x, 686B, and a Creative sound card before the patch will allow itself to work. The patch contains values that were being tested in my 0.16 beta patches, but are not in any version before that. The result, observed in WPCREDIT, is that register 76, bits 4&5, are set to 01 in the main chip. This patch is independent of any other patches or BIOS settings. You should not have to unload any other patches (except 0.16b2 of my PCI latency patch) in order to use this patch. You may still need a BIOS setting or patch besides this new VIA patch, depending on your configuration."
Scarica patch VIA686b