Rilasciata la beta 2 di Radeonator 2.0. Radeonato è un ottimo
programmino software freeware che permette di regolare moltissimi parametri
per ottimizare o overcloccare le schede video basate sul chip Radeon di ATi.
Ecco le novità di questa versione:
▪ Overclocking support for the
Radeon 9000 and 9700 (!! this is still in testing phase !!)
▪ Installer changed a little, it's now more
▪ Fixed some bugs (regarding Win9X support)
▪ Driverversion detection is back
▪ Added a pretty useless rollup button on
the captionbar
▪ Layout of the systemtray menu has been
▪ Added Locker for refreshrate fixing
▪ Fixed a bug in Anti-Aliassing in DirectX
▪ Changed the 'Free Memory' label to a progressbar
▪ Some minor cosmethic changes
▪ Updated Helpfile