Come annunciato qualche tempo fa', Microsoft ha realizzato Visio® Professional 2002 Service Release 1 (SR-1)
L'Update include: Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server integration, Hebrew composition support, and ClearType® control.
Le novitą maggiori riguardano:
Save files to and load files from SharePoint Portal servers (SPS) from within Visio using My Network Places
Utilize all the SPS client extension features in Web Folders without installing any software other than Visio
Check documents in and out of Enhanced folders directly from Visio (File/Check In and File/Check Out)
Be prompted to check out documents that are available for check-out automatically when opening them in Visio
Be prompted to check in documents that you have edited when closing them in Visio
See the normal (non-version-specific) name of a document in the title bar and most-recently-used list in Visio
Access document profile forms directly from Visio by selecting File/Properties (e.g. category support)
Search SPS workspaces directly from within Visio using the new Search Pane, and get back the same results you would get using the SPS workspace portal
A tutt'oggi č disponibile solamente la versione inglese.
Versione standard SR 1
Versione Professional SR 1