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Windows 2000 patches


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Pubblicato da Gervy il 18/03/2003 alle 00:00

Microsoft ha rilasciato tre nuova patches per il sistema operativo Windows 2000

Offered Driver Security Patch: IIS Remote Exploit from ntdll.dll Vulnerability

An identified security vulnerability in Microsoft® Windows 2000® could allow an attacker to take control of the computer. This issue is most likely to affect computers used as Web servers. You can help protect your computer from this and other identified issues by installing this update from Microsoft.

Q815021 Windows 2000 [409 KB] Italiano


Active Directory Group Policy for Security Patch-Unchecked buffer in Windows Component Could Cause Web Server Compromise

A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise a web server running Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000 and gain control over it. This Group Policy Object, whose usage is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 815021, can be used in environments managed with Active Directory, to apply a registry setting that blocks known exploits of this vulnerability. This Active Directory Group Policy Object should be used as a temporary workaround until the patch can be applied.


MaxClientBufferSize.inf Windows 2000 [1 KB] Italiano



Registry Tool for Security Patch-Unchecked Buffer in Windows Component Could Cause Web Server Compromise

A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise a web server running Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000 and gain control over it. This tool, whose usage is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 815021, can be used to apply a registry setting that blocks known exploits of this vulnerability. This tool should be used as a temporary workaround until the patch can be applied

setmaxurllength.exe Windows 2000 [215 KB] Italiano

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