Microsoft ha rimesso online le DirectX® 9.0a l'ultima versione
della tecnologia DirectX, in grado di garantire ottime prestazioni ai giochi
basati su DirectX e ad altri programmi multimediali. La presente versione di
DirectX sostituisce tutte le versioni del prodotto precedentemente rilasciate
DirectX 9.0a was removed because of an incompatibility
with ATI Catalyst 03.1 drivers. Catalyst drivers 03.2 were unaffected, Wenzel
said. He pointed out that there were still some minor bugs bud did not want
to comment any further. If and when DirectX 9.0a will be available remains unclear
at the moment.
Catalyst 03.1 drivers are still pretty popular because they perform better and
allow Counter-Strike fans to play the game. Catalyst 03.2 introduced a show
stopper bug with Counter-Strike."
9.0a [290 kb] Italiano