Vi segnalaiamo un interessante articolo (in inglese) che riguarda la preview di Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 , Sistema operativo che combina le note caratteristiche di Windows Xp a funzioni TV - video - musica - e giochi. What Is The Media Center?
In short Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 combines TV, digital video, music (also radio), games and the normal PC-functions together in a TV Friendly, user-friendly (wife friendly if you buy a set top box…) environment based on Windows XP Features
The main features of Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 are: - Watch and record Television - Watch and record CD’s/DVD’s - Watch and edit Photo’s - Improved Windows XP Desktop - Integrated Media Player 10 - Integrated Windows Messenger The new functionalities in comparison to the 2004 version are - the support for multiple tv-tuners (so you can record and play at the same time). - Integrated DVD burning (you don’t need external burn software) - Messenger Usage while watching television.
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