CDR-info ha recensito il masterizzatore Sanyo CRD-1500P IDE CDR-W, dotato della ragguardevole velocità di scrittura a 24X, 10X invece la riscrittura, e 40X la lettura.
Recensione approfondita e ben curata, con tanti screenshots, ecco in breve le conclusioni finali.
- 24x writing speed! Fastest recorder ever!
- "BURN-Proof 2" anti-coaster technology
- "FlexSS-BP" quality protection system
- Very good DATA reading performance with CDs/HS-RW media
- Very good DAE ripping performance (with pressed CDs)
- Good packet writing performance
- Supports HS-RW standard (10x re-write)
- Supports DAO-RAW
- Supports reading of SubChannel data
- Supports CD-Text
- Supports Overburning (write up to 93mins)
- Bad CloneCD reading performace (with SafeDisc 1/2 protected CDs)
- Failed to backup SD2 protected CDs
- Problems with CDR Audio media
- No UDMA-33 interface support

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