CD-RW Central ha recensito il software di masterizzazione CD-Maker Pro 2000 versione 5; per chi ha fretta, ecco le conclusioni finali dell'articolo:
While WinXP Pro has it's own CD-RW Recording Engine, it can not do everything, so here CD-Maker Pro 2000 adds to WinXP. It gives it that extra added feature of doing CD to CD copies, allows you to make a Video CD, make mixed mode CD's and a few extra bits. The fact that there is no Audio editor or an AVI to MPEG Encoder does in some way let this software down, but in saying that, NTi have given you the bits that are missing from WinXP, which are most welcome, but for how much longer ?
We have tested some of the other CD-RW Mastering Applications with WinXP Pro, and it seems that they are in need of some work to them to make them more compatible with WinXP Pro.
We will of course have a look at the CD-RW Recorder Engine in WinXP later nearer it's release date (October 2001) to see what's been added.
Now that WinXP Pro has a CD-RW Recording engine of it's own, it won't be long before it's fully featured for all CD-RW Mastering tasks, this includes support for DVD Recorders later this year, this in turn could make third party software like CD-Maker Pro obsolete to most and force others out of the market place altogether.

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