AMD ha annunciato la certificazione WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Lab), in un solo giorno di test, dei driver grafici per Windows 7, assicurando così che la combinazione di schede grafiche ATI Radeon e i driver offriranno un’incredibile stabilità ed elevate prestazioni con il sistema operativo Window 7. Tutti gli utenti già in possesso di una scheda grafica ATI Radeon HD 2000, HD 3000 e HD 4000 avranno inoltre la certezza della completa compatibilità dei driver ATI Catalyst. SUNNYVALE, Calif. - May 5, 2009 - Underlining the company's leadership in developing hardware and drivers to support the Windows® 7 operating system, AMD (NYSE:AMD) today announced that its Windows 7 driver has received Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) certification on the first day of the certifying program. · WHQL certification sets a high bar for quality and reliability, and is considered essential by many home and business users. · WHQL certification demonstrates AMD’s ability to deliver the stability, incredible 3D game performance and smooth multimedia playback needed in order to help bring the new features of Windows 7 to life. · As a testament to its ongoing commitment to reliability and stability, AMD is the only graphics hardware company in the world delivering monthly WHQL-certified graphics driver updates. For users of ATI Radeon™ HD 2000, HD 3000, and HD 4000 series products, the ATI Catalyst™ software suite delivers: · Industry-leading driver stability and reliability. · Full WDDM 1.1 WHQL certified support under Windows 7. · Scheduled performance and new feature innovation every month. · Enablement of ATI Stream technology for general purpose GPU (GPGPU) computing on supported graphics cards.
Ulteriori dettagli in merito ai primi driver grafici per Window 7 certificati WHQL sono disponibili all’indirizzo in calce.
Link driver WHQL